apple picking fun

Gizdic Ranch
55 Peckham Rd.
Watsonville , Ca 95076
Hello everyone, This post is so late and I was meaning to post it right after we went but had no time, or may I say "I made no time"t. Ive always wanted to go apple picking during the fall season and Finally this year we added it to our family calender.Where we live there's not many/none apple picking or self picking farms so we have to drive 1+hr. I found this farm online, I was so happy that it was just what we were looking for and more. It made it worth the drive. but that goes with many things if you go with the right people and expecting it to be fun, it will be fun.My children absolutely loved it. Once we arrived we were given a map on how to get around the farm and where to park. we grabbed a bucket and started picking away

Here are some tips when going to a self picking farm

What to wear:(It will be dusty and there will be dirt) -boots or rain boots that are easy to wipe -Long sleeve -Pants

TIP:Next time we do this I will take extra pants for all of us and extra shoes, a plastic bag to put it all in and a rag or towel to dust the shoes off so my car wont get as messy as it did.

When picking: -start from the end to the front of the field (buckets will get heavy) -It can be very fun so don't get carried away and pick more then you can eat -have fun

There was about 4 different type of apples. When you arrive they give you a list of all the apples that are available and what they can be best used for, for example one apple is best to make applesauce with and another apple is best for baking. I found that to be very helpful. The apples were delicious!!
After picking the apples and paying, we went to the big red barn on the property and had a fresh home made apple pie and all natural apple juice. No sugar is added to their apple juice and you can watch them make it. By far the best apple juice I've ever tried.

We got to see them make fresh apple juice that we later bought in their Little store
The Red Barn
inside the barn where they sell food, drinks  and pies with ice cream at a reasonable price
Our very delicious fresh baked apple pie

I can say that, that trip went in the books my children loved running around and the fact that many of the apples were in hands reach. This will be our Fall family tradition. This farm has self pick for all kinds of fruits not just apples. I cant wait to take another trip in April to see the Trees blossom . I think that will be a perfect place for some family pictures. Hope some of you give this place a try and remember "Have Fun"


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