Is my baby too young for Disneyland

(please take note that this is my Personal opinion)

I think the real question should be "Am I ready to take my baby to Disneyland." Most parents feel that they want to get their moneys worth or want the child to remember their first Disney trip. I cant say that your child will remember their first Disney trip until they are considerably older and if you don't want to wait that long then I can give you some advice and tips from our recent trip.WE took our daughter when she was 5months I believe we choose the perfect age  because she was old enough to sit up, look around and stay awake longer. I wouldn't recommend to take a new born baby or younger then 3 months the reason being that they sleep longer and tend to be more sensitive to loud noises and Disneyland has much of that. Also take in mind that there's a great amount of visitors and a new born babies immune system may not be as strong.  For your convenience Disneyland has a Child care center, which  absolutely LOVE. they have a feeding section for moms who are breast feeding, they have a microwave and even highchairs  also toilets for the little toddlers.And if by any chance you forgot ointment , diapers,wipes pacifier etc. they sell the basic necessities in there , :) that brought a big smile to my face because sometimes as prepared as you think you may be some things may slip.

Before our trip I wrote down a check list 2 weeks ahead of time as time went by I would remember things here and there and added to my list.  I did not carry all this with me of course I would restock the diaper bag every night if anything was used throughout the day .

(for  my baby)

outfit for each day
2 extra outfits
2 extra onesies
formula  (1 extra)
water jug
bottle brush
dish soap
body wash
receiving blankets
1 thick blanket
baby food
baby food spoon attachments

*I love the convenience of this just simply remove lid and attach spoon the spoon has a hole in the middle so once u squeeze the pouch the food comes out. makes it very easy specially with a wiggle worm like mine she moves alot.

* another great idea. self closing pcifier when it falls it closes and shields the nipple on the pacifier keeping it clean no matter what :)

* this here is my sterilizer that was given to me on my baby shower. I love it its easy to clean and easy to use. unfortunately we did not take it with us on the trip instead we bought individual sterilizing bags that are meant for traveling. it was took way too much time and it didn't seem to do the job right.


Be ready for a fun day at Disneyland. here are some Little tips i found useful and I wish i knew before going with a baby.

 Stroller : oh the joy of strollers folding unfolding them and maneuvering it around a park sure can be a pain but no need to worry Disneyland is ..what can I say?.." Stroller friendly".If you plan on taking the tram you will need to fold up the stroller, that means take everything out of it and manage to hold the child and other things while boarding it.. like its not hard enough to fold right? .. well unless you are one of the few that knows that you do not need to fold the strollers if you board at the end or front of the tram, all you will need to do is take the child out of the stroller and leave the stroller open ( employee's  usually help u lift t up) it makes it so much easier..but its a first come first serve deal and of course available to handicap first. the back is usually the your best option. I didn't mind waiting for the next tram specially when we had so much in the strollers after a long day.
The park has many stroller parking sections, which makes it easy and convenient when going to one ride to another (just remember where you leave it) . It is also safe I never have to worry about someone stealing anything from the stroller at Disneyland, but of course I carried my purse and camera with me.

RIDES: The rides that my baby found fun and exciting and i found safe were all the fairytale rides even the teacups (without spinning it) its a small world, jungle cruise & Winnie the pooh . She also enjoyed the tiki room & the firework show. I saw a brilliant idea , a lady took earphones for her child since fireworks startled him.

Last but not least have lots of fun remember to charge the camera battery & camcorder and take in all the  great memories and smiles.

also if anyone has an awesome tip or advice it is always welcomed provide it in the comment box.



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