For the Cars Fans

This post is specially for all the little Cars fans. We went to visit the Disney store in San Francisco because we were told that only in that Disney store & Disneyland your child can build there own car which was  inspired by the Movie Cars 2 . I have seen something similar at Disneyland but not with any of the characters in the movie. So basically you purchase the Car and any car parts that you will like, it varies from mufflers , lights, rims, wheels etc. The  price of the car ranges since they also have remote controlled ones. Once you purchase the Car and parts you can choose to either take it home to assemble it or (My favorite) part is that your child can assemble it in the store where they provide a little mechanics section . Below are some pictures I took inside the store.

                                                         Address: 39 Stockton St
                                                                       San Francisco, Ca  


  1. OMG! My nephew would LOVE this store!! :)


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