
Showing posts from 2012

apple picking fun

Gizdic Ranch 55 Peckham Rd. Watsonville , Ca 95076 Hello everyone, This post is so late and I was meaning to post it right after we went but had no time, or may I say "I made no time"t. Ive always wanted to go apple picking during the fall season and Finally this year we added it to our family calender.Where we live there's not many/none apple picking or self picking farms so we have to drive 1+hr. I found this farm online, I was so happy that it was just what we were looking for and more. It made it worth the drive. but that goes with many things if you go with the right people and expecting it to be fun, it will be fun.My children absolutely loved it. Once we arrived we were given a map on how to get around the farm and where to park. we grabbed a bucket and started picking away Here are some tips when going to a self picking farm What to wear :(It will be dusty and there will be dirt ) -boots or rain boots that are easy to wipe -Long sleeve -Pants TIP :

Horse Back Ridding On The Beach

Hello everyone. I have been looking forward to write about my favorite place of all in San Francisco, horse back ridding on the beach. Its an amazing, romantic and fun experience. I was taken as a suprise for my birthday.but some good tips are to check the weather and wear warm clothing.we arrived midday the first thing we did was sign the waiver and paid for a 1/2 hr ride. as soon as the instructor explained how to handle the horse we were off towards the beach. I liked the fact that instructors go along with you and help out if you need it. its a breath taking view once you arrive at the beach.Here is the link for address, rates and much more below are some pictures, enjoy