
Showing posts from December, 2016

MInimalism & why it works for us

My family and I are almost close to our 1 year of becoming a minimalist family (family of 5). Just as we are approaching the new year in about 5 hours, I'm sitting back reflecting on how and why I decided to take the leap into this new mindset and living. I was tiered.... that's the best way to describe it. sometimes I would sit back and think, Am I lazy? am I so disorganized that these rooms cant stay clean for more than 5 days? How and why did I buy all this stuff? Where is all my money going? I guess you can say the frustration was so overwhelming that I knew there had to be a better way But to be honest I didn't take the first step. My daughter took it for me. She wanted to earn money and I told her if she can clean her shared room up we had a deal. well she did just that she cleaned up her shared space. She bagged everything!! she bagged everything that was hers  as Donation and garbage!except her brothers stuff which she put aside for him to decide. She le